On 1/21/2015 7:16 PM, Mario Figueiredo wrote:
In article <873873ae91....@jester.gateway.sonic.net>,
no.email@nospam.invalid says...

Steven D'Aprano <steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> writes:
In 2009, Robert Martin gave a talk at RailsConf titled "What Killed
Smalltalk Could Kill Ruby"...  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX3iRjKj7C0

That's an hour-long video; could someone who's watched it give a brief

In a nutshell, he argues, along with Ward Cunningham, that what killed
Smalltalk was how easy you could create unclean code with it. "Unclean"
in this context means Smalltalk didn't punish bad software design
decisions that would eventually lead into complex code and unmanageable
systems with zero options of code maintenance.

He followed that by saying that fine-grained test-driven development is the way to prevent unholy messes. He noted that tdd started in smalltalk, but never really took there.

Reason 2: arrogance -- the walled garden and disdain for the messy problems of real enterprises. He did not seem as sure about how to counteract this.

Terry Jan Reedy


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