Mark Janssen wrote:

>> Looks like another bad batch, time to change your dealer again.
> ??? Strange, when the debate hits bottom, accusations about doing
> drugs come up.  This is like the third reference (and I don't even
> drink alcohol).

It is an oblique reference to the fact that your posts are incoherent and
confused. It is considered more socially polite to attribute that to
external substances such as drugs or alcohol (which you could, in
principle, do something about) than to explicitly say that you and your
views are disconnected from reality, i.e. crazy.

People aren't actually debating you. We've tried. You respond with insults
and don't give any evidence for your irrational assertions, so don't think
that this is a debate. Until you can (1) explain your thoughts in detail
rather than in vague terms that don't make sense, (2) demonstrate at least
a minimal level of competence rather than making utter n00b mistakes while
insisting that you know so much more than experts in the field, and (3)
give actual evidence for your assertions, this will not be a debate.



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