>> Really?  If people are using binary with "well-defined ascii-encoded
>> tidbits", they're doing something wrong.  Perhaps you think escape
>> characters "\n" are "well defined tidbits", but YOU WOULD BE WRONG.
>> The purpose of binary is to keep things raw.  WTF?
> If you want to participate in this discussion, do so.  Calling people
> strange, arrogant, and fools with no technical content is just rude. Typing
> "YOU WOULD BE WRONG" in all caps doesn't count as technical content.

Ned -- IF YOU'RE A REAL PERSON -- you will see that several words
prior to that declaration, you'll find (or be able to arrange) the
proposition: "Escape characters are well-defined tidbits of binary
data is FALSE".

Now that is a technical point that i'm saying is simply the "way
things are" coming from the mass of experience held by the OS
community and the C programming community which is responsible for
much of the world's computer systems.  Do you have an argument against
it, or do you piss off and argue against anything I say?? Perhaps I
said it too loudly, and I take responsibility for that, but don't
claim I'm not making a technical point which seems to be at the heart
of all the confusion regarding python/python3 and str/unicode/bytes.


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