On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Really?  If people are using binary with "well-defined ascii-encoded
>>> tidbits", they're doing something wrong.  Perhaps you think escape
>>> characters "\n" are "well defined tidbits", but YOU WOULD BE WRONG.
>>> The purpose of binary is to keep things raw.  WTF?
>> If you want to participate in this discussion, do so.  Calling people
>> strange, arrogant, and fools with no technical content is just rude. Typing
>> "YOU WOULD BE WRONG" in all caps doesn't count as technical content.
> Ned -- [chomp verbiage]

Mark, please watch your citations. Several (all?) of your posts in
this thread have omitted the line(s) at the top saying who you're
quoting. Have a look at my post here, and then imagine how confused
Mark Lawrence would be if I hadn't made it clear that I wasn't
addressing him.



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