On 06/01/2014 19:30, Mark Janssen wrote:
Chris didn't say "bytes and ascii data", he said "bytes and TEXT".
Text != "ascii data", and the fact that some people apparently think it
does is pretty much the heart of the problem.

The heart of a different problem, not this one.  The problem I refer to is
that many binary formats have well-defined ascii-encoded text tidbits.

Really?  If people are using binary with "well-defined ascii-encoded
tidbits", they're doing something wrong.  Perhaps you think escape
characters "\n" are "well defined tidbits", but YOU WOULD BE WRONG.
The purpose of binary is to keep things raw.  WTF?  You guys are so

If you (generic you) don't get that, you'll have a bad time. I mean
get it, deep down in the bone. The long, bad habit of thinking as
ASCII-encoded bytes as text is the problem here.

I think the whole forking community is confused at because of your own
arrogance.  Foo(l)s.


Looks like another bad batch, time to change your dealer again.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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