----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: RH: Some user feedback

> Now my suggestion on the menu structure and the Extras menu.  I like
> having all the programs available but only one on the primary menu so the
> only problem is chosing which one is primary.  Other people though have
> different opinions on how it should be setup.  So maybe RH just needs to
> build in a "menu editor" into the install process.  Could be done like
> disk partioning where you have the option of taking the default setup
> (maybe list some other "alternate standard" ways) or a complete manual
> customization.  It would take a lot of work to program it, but is probably
> the only way to satistify everybody's point of view.

I disagree on the menu editor during install.  As long as there is an easy
to use one that can be found easy, and allows removing, creating, and moving
of program names to and from one place to the other (by drag and drop?) that
should be good enough.

As far as the menu/submenu business, that can be discussed and figured out
by the time the next release comes out and fixed then.  Maybe Havoc and Than
(and whoever else) can have a contest for someone who comes up with the best
menu layout, take the best 3/5/whatever and put it up for vote by the
public?  Guess this could be unofficial or something just for fun and to
make things better?  *shrug*

There *should* had been an *easy to use* menu editor included to begin with.
Maybe it will come out as errata or something.


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