
on the web browser thing: Wouldn't it be sufficient to have the default web browser
represented in the panel and the choice of alternate browsers in the menu?

It appears that RH is targeting new linux users with the current UI design and
choice of RPMs in the distro, these folks will probably use the panel as a first
orientation help anyway.

Or make the distinction selectable via an RPM if you like. Default: Plain, easy.
Alternate: Standard GNOME/KDE/RH menues.

I personally feel that RH is compromising it's past strength while trying to get new
momentum on the desktop market. Fine, Linux needs that, however give us back choice.

My € 0,02.

Havoc Pennington wrote:

Gerry Tool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On Saturday 05 October 2002 01:58 pm, Bernd Kunze wrote:

2. The menu structure is driving me nuts. Some are in System Settings,
others in Extras-System Settings.

I strongly feel that the Extras menu has to go and the items that are in it need to be integrated into a single menu structure.
You realize the implication of that is that we have to be brutally
ruthless about what's in the default install (i.e. anything in Extras
in the default install can no longer be in the default install, and
this may require some weird package splitting, something like
gnome-utils-base, gnome-utils-extra).

This may be the right course of action, I just don't want to hear
whining later. ;-) The down side is if you do an Everything install
the submenus will tend to have 20-30 items each, or more.

The completely can-not-budge requirement here is only one web browser
(or whatever) in the main menus for the default install. We need to
find the best way to achieve that but it has to happen, very much

In any case, note that you can revert to no Extras menu by deleting
lines in /etc/X11/desktop-menus/applications.menu. (Delete all lines
with <Keyword>X-Red-Hat-Base</Keyword> then the entire <Folder> block
for Extras, should work.)

I too have been severly frustrated trying to find what I need. A
special anomaly is the Systems Settings and System Tools. Some
items that are in Systems Settings have a counterpart in Extas >
System Tools. How about Configuration for those things that are
truly options to set and System Tools for applications that affect
system entities.

"Configuration" doesn't work because it isn't distinct from
"Preferences." i.e. does not separate systemwide prefs from per-user
prefs. System Settings is supposed to contain control-panel things
where you would open, change something, close quickly; Tools should
contain stuff like load monitors that you would keep open and use as a
daily tool. If there are items in the wrong place according to that
split, file a bug on the specific items.


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