Messages by Thread
SPV reader and writer support is now on master
Ben Pfaff
Excessive file system usage
Dave Trollope
Need help installing and using PSPP software
Jerry W. Bolden
split file for output
Marijke van der Weijden
error in downloading the software
Majid Shokrpour
pspp: error while writing to output stream error
Manos Markakis
Error during opening a sav file
Manos Markakis
Work-around for Mac OS Catalina issue for PSPP
Thomas Hargrove via PSPP user discussion
Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 162, Issue 10
David Zatz via PSPP user discussion
PSPP and Mac OS 10.15.1 Catalina
Thomas Hargrove via PSPP user discussion
PSPP bundle not working on Mac OS 10.15 Catalina / Mojave - Update to bundle version 1.2.0-2
Friedrich Beckmann
Warnings exceed limit
Frans Houweling
Language issue
Tristen Kim
MXLOOPS not implemented?
Frans Houweling
MacOS: pspp installed via dmg crashes on Mojave
Friedrich Beckmann
PSPP Download ans installing
Daniela Sellen via PSPP user discussion
Fyi: this list, pspp-users, just had it's subject [tag] and footer removed
About Multiple response variables...
Horacio Saravia
In dire need of help
Re: Installing PSPP on MacOS Mojave
Friedrich Beckmann
PSPP crashed
Alyssa Smith
Bob Shay
Hello, pspp team. I´m trying to run, from __20VIII2019.
Juan García R .
Select If Command
Rick Fiene
Problem with /Rename with Save Translate
Elio Spinello
program shutting down
Nicole Brunker via Pspp-users
PSPPIRE missing promax rotation
Luke Daigneault
regression line in a graph
Carlos Martínez
changing language in PSPP
2-way ANOVA tests
Robin Scharf
Download link for pspp4windows
SourceForge . net
[no subject]
jona Zeqiri
Pspp 1.2.0 - No frequencies
Michele Mor
Re: PSPP - Schüler mit Macs in der Klemme
Friedrich Beckmann
Carter, Tracey T.
From where to download PSPP?
Sanjay Seth, MBA, Ph.D.
[patch #9777] Added gui support for some POSTHOC tests for One Way ANOVA
Ayhan Yalçınsoy
PSPP 1.2.0 got reviewed on Software Informer
Kasey Bloome
Domenico Di Francesco
Simple Merge Revisited; Perplexed by seemingly "easy" program.
Greenbaum, Mark A.
find duplicate in dataset
Matteo Ga
Entering Variables in Blocks Using PSPP
Re: How to use MATCH FILES--Simple Example Needed
Alan Mead
Import CVS with carriage return inside double quotes
Matteo Ga
Export PSPP histogram to an image file
Oren Ish-Shalom
Silent/Unattended Install of PSPP?
Kent West
PSPP now implements proper pivot tables
Ben Pfaff
Kaplan Meier
Emanuele Gallinoro
Re: : Re: Pspp 0.7.8 for windows 7
Harry Thijssen
Pspp 0.7.8 for windows 7
Vilanova Boix, Francesc Xavier
Bootstrapping on single variable
Elisa Pieri