On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 01:22:43AM +0900, Sanjay Seth, MBA, Ph.D. wrote:
     I am teaching PSPP to my students but some of them were not able to 
     it from http://pspp.awardspace.com/
     Q1. Please could you let me know what website should be used by students to
     download the PSPP program. 

The canonical download site is ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/pspp    In
addition, there are some helpful tips on downloading on the pspp web
site - see http://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.html 

     Q2. Also please let me know if there are some YouTube tutorials that could
     be shared with them. 

I'm told there are many such tutorials.  But please note these are not
endorsed by the develpers so you have to make up your own mind about
their accuracy and quality.

It would be great to have somebody contribute some video tutorials which
could be posted on the pspp website.


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