That *is* higher than I would expect. Do you see less disk activity if you use the "pspp-convert" program? It does not have the exact feature you want (in particular the /CELLS=LABELS part) but it is better optimized in general for that particular task.
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 4:42 AM Dave Trollope <> wrote: > > We just moved Pspp to Kubernetes containers where we use it to extract csvs > from sav files. The sav files are about 1gb and each csv is about 150mb. > > We’ve watched the file system as it does it and over 7gb of the file system > is used while writing 150mb. I assume the SAVE command is doing lots of seeks > and insertions in the file magnifying the file system usage. Any options to > limit this behavior? > > Here is the script we are using > GET FILE = "{}" > > SAVE TRANSLATE > /OUTFILE="{}" > /TYPE=CSV > /FIELDNAMES > /REPLACE > /KEEP={} > /MISSING=RECODE > /CELLS=LABELS. > Cheers > Dave >