  is there any way to prevent text output to wrap at 80 columns?
I would like to retrieve cluster centers from the output of QUICK CLUSTER, but this is hindered by wrapping:

                           Final Cluster Centers
|              |                            Cluster
| +-----+----+----+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+
|              |  1  |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  | 9  |  10  |
|Z-score of    | -.58|-.35|-.10|-.10|  .13|  .58|  .78| 4.13| 5.06|  6.98|
|meanV         |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    |-1.86|-.68| .34|1.25|  .56|  .97|  .94| 1.09| 1.09|  1.27|
|maxV          |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    |-1.21|-.83|-.01| .86|  .50| 1.48| 1.70| 2.82| 2.67|  2.84|
|minV          |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    |-1.55|-.84| .31|1.82|  .41| 1.10|  .28|  .16| .41|   .03|
|meanDistribV  |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    |-1.13|-.80| .17|2.46|  .17|  .94| -.01| -.19| .06|  -.36|
|contrastV     |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    | 2.49| .03|-.42|-.51| -.46| -.51| -.46| -.44| -.47|  -.45|
|entropyV      |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    |-2.30|-.45| .47| .96|  .55|  .81|  .51|  .38| .53|   .40|
|secondAngularV|     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    | 1.66| .66|-.18|-.51|-1.05| -.93|-3.76|-3.44| -.55| -4.79|
|meanIR        |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    |  .78| .46| .17| .28| -.79| -.92|-1.86|-4.67|-2.81|-10.26|
|maxIR         |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |
|Z-score of    | 1.15| .78| .09|-.42| -.85|-1.42|-3.19|-3.68|-1.86| -6.11|
|minIR         |     |    |    |    |     |     |     | |     |      |

|              |     |
|              +-----+
|              |  11 |
|Z-score of    |12.34|
|meanV         |     |
|Z-score of    | 1.50|
|maxV          |     |
|Z-score of    | 4.09|
|minV          |     |
|Z-score of    | -.17|
|meanDistribV  |     |
|Z-score of    | -.52|
|contrastV     |     |
|Z-score of    | -.42|
|entropyV      |     |
|Z-score of    |  .25|
|secondAngularV|     |
|Z-score of    | -.48|
|meanIR        |     |
|Z-score of    |-6.18|
|maxIR         |     |
|Z-score of    |-2.24|
|minIR         |     |

I have tried SET WIDTH and SET LISTING to no avail. Any suggestions?

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