On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 01:43:31AM -0500, Mark Hancock wrote:
     I know this is a Linux-first community, 

I am disappointed that you think this.  It is a common misconception which
we have tried hard to dispell.

It is true that PSPP *can* run on the same computer which might also run the 
linux kernel, but that does not make it a "linux first" program any more than
it makes it a "Libreoffice first" program.

Linux is mentioned only in passing on the website (not more than any other
system). Likewise, it is only briefly mentioned in the documentation where there
are a few fearures which are specific to GNU/Linux systems.

PSPP is a program which is part of the GNU project.  
PSPP's repository, download site, web site and mailing lists are all hosted on
gnu.org GNU's relationship to Linux is made clear at 

Can you tell me what gave you the impression that PSPP was a "linux first" 
We need to try to correct that perception.



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