
Maybe you understand this very well, but I think a better way to think
about this is that the PSPP team releases a release of PSPP (which is
source code) and then platform-specific "packagers" release binaries for
their platform, possibly making decisions along the way.  For example,
Friedrich is the packager for Debian and he might make changes if PSPP
fails Debian tests.  A packager might possibly be very active, porting
bug fixes and releasing new packages.  Maybe this is bad behavior, but
packagers have sometimes made choices that were even upsetting to the
"upstream" project (I'm thinking about Red Hat's controversial decisions
about gcc) because the packages are primarily concerned with their platform.

By this logic, there is no "official" binary release of PSPP for any
platform, including therefore that there will never be an official
Windows release of PSPP.

I see the logic of "recommending" 0.8.5 but I'm not sure I agree. I
believe that all of the 2015 snapshots available for Windows on have an extremely serious bug triggered by having a
non-ASCII character in Windows paths.  So, many non-English speakers
will hit this bug which will be a show-stopper for them.  Isn't it
better to recommend to them that they use the latest 0.9.0-g745ee3
snapshot?  I think Harry's practice of supplying a latest snapshot
package and also some older packages is an extremely practical approach.
I also think it's a decision that properly belongs to the packager.

Finally, the opposing view is that 0.9.0-g745ee3 contains all kinds of
other changes, including really big changes like a switch to GTK+ 3 (I
think?).  I think the remedy for this would be to have a process for
testing Windows packages so that they don't have to have "untested"


On 3/2/2016 2:00 PM, Mark Hancock wrote:
> I've attached a screenshot of what I think is a much better solution
> (to change the website). I think this simple change would alleviate
> the need for any messages in the application (though still wouldn't
> object to "(unstable)" or "(development)" in the title bar, just not a
> long instructional message).
> Inline image 1
> This can be done by adding the following HTML:
> <ul style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
>   <li>The latest stable release is: 0.8.5
> (<strong>recommended</strong>)</li>
>   <li>The latest development release is: 0.9.0</li>
> </ul>
> You could obviously make these numbers be dynamically loaded from
> somewhere, if that makes updating less cumbersome.
> This suggestion is assuming you have no control over
> the page. If you do, it would be much
> better to redesign it so that it has a salient link to the most stable
> recent release, and a harder-to-find-and-accidentally-download link to
> the dev version.
> Mark
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Friedrich Beckmann
> < <>> wrote:
>     > Am 02.03.2016 um 20:26 schrieb John Darrington
>     < <>>:
>     >
>     > On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 07:52:34PM +0100, Friedrich Beckmann wrote:
>     >
>     > 2 Then, as a first post-release task, let's replace the existing splash 
> screen with an startup window
>     >   which must be acknowledged.  Then we don't need to have any
>     warning in the titlebar, or in the output window.
>     Please, do not let us sacrifice functionality for this purpose.
>     Nobody wants to acknowledge this. Nobody. Yes, nobody.
>     Please remember software that does want you to acknowledge
>     something like this. You hate it. For good reason.
>     Please remember the reason for the splash screen as we discussed
>     it already: Inform the user that something
>     has happened when he started the software, if the startup time is
>     long. Thats it. The logo is perfect and the warning
>     message does not harm this purpose.
>     Friedrich
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