On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 07:52:34PM +0100, Friedrich Beckmann wrote:
     > Am 02.03.2016 um 19:44 schrieb Ben Pfaff <b...@cs.stanford.edu>:
     >>     Why can't the user see it at startup?  
     >> The output window is (at least on the window manager I use) below the 
data window, unless
     >> explicitly raised.  Typically, a user will only raise that window, when 
she explicity
     >> has interest in what she thinks is there.    The users who stand to 
benefit from this 
     >> message, are those who are unaware of its content.  Such users will 
typically start psppire,
     >> run a procedure and THEN look in the output window.  Typically the user 
does not look in
     >> the output window the moment it starts up.
     > Perhaps PSPPIRE should raise the output window, then.
     That would then be the first really negative functional impact of this 
warning that John planned.
     There are good reasons why the windows are raised as they are today.

Here's a solution which I think will satisfy everyone:

 1 Release 0.10.0 is imminent.  Let's release it asap.  As it will be an 
official release, it will not have any warning.

 2 Then, as a first post-release task, let's replace the existing splash screen 
with an startup window 
   which must be acknowledged.  Then we don't need to have any warning in the 
titlebar, or in the output window.


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