> Am 01.03.2016 um 08:33 schrieb Alan Mead <ame...@alanmead.org>:
> On 02/29/2016 11:37 PM, John Darrington wrote:
>> How about we implement Ben's suggestion AND have an abridged version of his 
>> words
>> on the title-bar?
>> The abridged version could read: "This is a development version. It may 
>> contain bugs."
> John,
> I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to with the link about ftr's 
> confusion about the message and the snapshots? But I'm not opposed to 
> including a non-scary message in the header.
> -Alan

What about having just

>> "This is a development version. It may contain bugs.“

in the title bar? Would you consider this non-scary?


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