Doing it the way Ben suggests would not break the regression tests.

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 07:41:10AM -0600, Alan Mead wrote:
     On 2/28/2016 12:00 PM, Ben Pfaff wrote:
     > I suggest putting it into the output window at startup, once.  This is
     > easy to do, it is likely that users will notice, and it is not as
     > obnoxious as some of the other options.
     > +
     > +  text_item_submit (
     > +    text_item_create (TEXT_ITEM_PARAGRAPH,
     > +                      _("This is a development version of PSPP.  Please 
be "
     > +                        "alert to the likely possibility that it 
contains "
     > +                        "more bugs than a PSPP release.  If you 
encounter "
     > +                        "bugs, please consider reporting them to the 
     > +                        "developers at, to enable 
them "
     > +                        "to be fixed.")));
     >  }
     This seems good to me but is there a way around John's objections that
     regression tests would fail?  Or is that not a big deal?

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