On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 10:00:41AM -0800, Ben Pfaff wrote:
     I suggest putting it into the output window at startup, once.  This is
     easy to do, it is likely that users will notice, and it is not as
     obnoxious as some of the other options.
     For example:
     diff --git a/src/ui/gui/psppire-output-window.c 
     index 469966a..1da4b24 100644
     --- a/src/ui/gui/psppire-output-window.c
     +++ b/src/ui/gui/psppire-output-window.c
     @@ -182,6 +182,15 @@ psppire_output_window_setup (void)
        output_driver_init (d, &psppire_output_class, "PSPPIRE",
        output_driver_register (d);
     +  text_item_submit (
     +    text_item_create (TEXT_ITEM_PARAGRAPH,
     +                      _("This is a development version of PSPP.  Please 
be "
     +                        "alert to the likely possibility that it contains 
     +                        "more bugs than a PSPP release.  If you encounter 
     +                        "bugs, please consider reporting them to the PSPP 
     +                        "developers at bug-gnu-p...@gnu.org, to enable 
them "
     +                        "to be fixed.")));

The wording seems find to me.

I'm not so sure that is will be as noticable as we would like - it will scroll
off the top of the screen after a large output.  And in cases like reported 


The user would not have seen the message until after experiencing the bug, if 
at all.

How about we implement Ben's suggestion AND have an abridged version of his 
on the title-bar?  

The abridged version could read: "This is a development version. It may contain 

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