On 1/23/2015 2:54 PM, rogt3...@proinbox.com wrote:
> Noel
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
>> Unless you're currently planning on using an after-queue content
>> inspection system, 
> I will be quite soon ...  like I said I'll be replacing those servers.  That 
> includes implementing filter/milters etc.  I'm reading up on those in parallel

Milters and/or pre-queue filters don't benefit from multi instances.
 Post-queue filters DO benefit, but they're generally avoided these
days since discarding mail has gone out of style.

> Load balancing and lmtp over vpns are not far behind.

Load balancing is done with multiple boxes, not multi instances on
the same box.  LMTP & VPNs don't benefit from multi instances.

> In any case the questions for how to get Recipient Verification are pretty 
> much the same -- regardless of if the probes are launched from a sinlge 
> monolithic instance or one small/contained piece of many.

The probes must come from the internet facing postfix, ie.
postfix-in in your overly complicated examples.

If there is an afer-queue filter or multiple instances between the
internet facing postfix and the mailstore, you MUST use ONE of
address_verify_relayhost, address_verify_default_transport, or
address_verify_transport_maps so the verification probes can go
directly to the mail store.  Some applications MAY require setting
more than one of these probe controls, but that's unusual.

With a single instance that relays to an internal mailstore, the
probe routing seldom needs special handling; if incoming mail is
routed to the correct place, so are the probes.

>       relay_recipient_maps =

This is the default; no need to set it.

> pick the probe identity
>       double_bounce_sender = double-bounce
>       address_verify_sender = $double_bounce_sender

These have reasonable defaults; no need to set.

> set where to store the probe results and leave them persistend
>       address_verify_map = lmdb:/var/lib/postfix-in/verify_cache
>       address_verify_cache_cleanup_interval = 0

Don't disable cache cleanup unless/until you have multiple postfix
front ends sharing a single backend database.  Then, leave one box
doing the cleanup and set the others to zero.

  -- Noel Jones

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