On 1/21/2015 9:53 AM, rogt3...@proinbox.com wrote:

> Extract the list from each server, aggregate them into a single list, clean 
> it up, rsync it over to the Postfix box, and convert it to an LMDB list.

Yes, a manual transfer is OK for a short term project.
Once you establish the procedure, it shouldn't be too hard to
automate, even on Windows.

> The 'Recipient address verification' stuff I'd seen but wasn't sure exactly 
> what the Postfix was "doing to" the SMTP servers downstream.  IIUC, something 
> like -- it sends a test message to the upstream, and then stores in 
> LOCAL-to-Postfix, persistent cache whether that's a good/bad address.
> Sounds like it only does that ONCE per address, but not sure.  I don't wnat 
> to make the current downstream servers "angry" for invalid 
> recipients/senders, and mistakenly lock out the upstream postfix.  I know I 
> can make those changes in the downstream's config -- somewhere.  Need to 
> understnad this more.

the docs:

Results are stored in a persistent database. There are controls for
how long an address is considered good or bad and how often a probe
is sent, all with reasonable defaults.

You can browse the settings by looking at
and find the various parameters that start with "address_verify_",

Of course, automatic address verification depends on the target
server correctly responding to unknown recipients.

>>> (2) the Postfix system storing, then later forwarding, inbound mail if the 
>>> Postfix -> domainX connection is ever down
>>> (3) the Postfix system storing, then later sending, outbound mail if the 
>>> Postfix -> 'net connection is ever down
>> both these are default behavior.
> I've read about Queing.  I thought it might be safe enough.  Wasn't sure what 
> happens if the server's restarted, whether the Queued emails -- in either 
> direction -- survive.  I think they do as they're written to disk in the 
> Queue directory and Postfix on restart simply looks there and puts them back 
> in line to be processed when possible.

Barring data-loss system failures, the queue should be very safe
across postfix and server restarts.  This is hard-coded behavior and
isn't user-configurable (unless you do something silly such as put
the queue on a ramdisk -- no warranty for that).

  -- Noel Jones

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