2012/10/5 <lst_ho...@kwsoft.de>

> Zitat von Titanus Eramius <tita...@aptget.dk>:
>  Slightly off topic. I hope it's OK when the mail is marked as such.
>> I was just wondering if the users of this list use SPF in any way, and
>> if so, to what extend?
> We have considered SPF some five years ago but after second thought
> ditched it completely:
> - It dos not really help against spam because the spam-farms also can set
> proper SPF

> - It is not really useful for prove-of-sender because no MUA care about
> - It does not add any aditional security/reliability to e-mail
> - There are problems with forwarding
> Instead we have installed a S/MIME Gateway which solve the prove-of-sender
> with additional benefits of making encrypted mail possible.
> But as always YMMV
> Regards
> Andreas
As far as I'm concerned, SPF is not an anti-spam tool, but an anti-forgery
tool. And IMHO, if I'd need to say it's useful it's because it's not as
extended as it may be; if everyone had configured the verification of SPF,
mail forging would be reduced a lot. I use it both for personal and
profesional purposes, at work we have rules for analyzing SPF results and
it really helps. Definitely recommendable.


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