Zitat von Titanus Eramius <tita...@aptget.dk>:

Slightly off topic. I hope it's OK when the mail is marked as such.

I was just wondering if the users of this list use SPF in any way, and
if so, to what extend?

We have considered SPF some five years ago but after second thought ditched it completely:

- It dos not really help against spam because the spam-farms also can set proper SPF

- It is not really useful for prove-of-sender because no MUA care about

- It does not add any aditional security/reliability to e-mail

- There are problems with forwarding

Instead we have installed a S/MIME Gateway which solve the prove-of-sender with additional benefits of making encrypted mail possible.

But as always YMMV



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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