We have considered SPF some five years ago but after second thought ditched it completely:
it helps nothing to not using it
- It dos not really help against spam because the spam-farms also can set proper SPF
and it thats the problem one can block such domains in mta as sender check, not a big deal
- It is not really useful for prove-of-sender because no MUA care about
inccorect, if headers exists, then webmail can show results from this test
- It does not add any aditional security/reliability to e-mail
- There are problems with forwarding
show example ?
Instead we have installed a S/MIME Gateway which solve the prove-of-sender with additional benefits of making encrypted mail possible.
correct, its more what you want, but saying spf breaks or is not usefull is not correct, it is usefull if used correct, to the question that senders can add valid spf, and still send spam, then block that sender domain is still possible even if the sender is not using spf
But as always YMMV
you have removed your real name in mua so roundcube using your email as sender in body as failback, i remove it :)