On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 01:19:52PM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Adding headers is implemented in cleanup(8). Headers will never be
> added when smtpd(8) is followed by a before-queue content filter.
> Perhaps that is your problem?

No, but I appreciate the process behind the guess.

> Otherwise, can you provide a small Perl sample that reproduces
> the problem?


use IO::Select;
use IO::File;
use Sendmail::PMilter ':all';

my $sock = "/var/spool/floodstopper/smtp";

my $milter = Sendmail::PMilter->new();
# Do this before dropping privs.
$milter->setconn('local:' . $sock);
$milter->register('floodstopper', { eom => \&eom_callback, }, SMFIF_ADDHDRS);
$milter->set_dispatcher( Sendmail::PMilter::sequential_dispatcher() );

sub eom_callback {
  my $ctx = shift;

  $ctx->addheader('X-MS-Floodstopper', 'hi!');

  Ben Rosengart           "Like all those possessing a library,
  Sendmail, Inc.           Aurelian was aware that he was guilty of
  +1 718 431 3822          not knowing his in its entirety [...]"
                                      -- Jorge Luis Borges

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