On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 11:43:03AM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Ben Rosengart:
> > Dear Postfixers,
> >   I am testing a milter which, under some circumstances, adds a
> > header to a message.  The problem is that the header is simply not added.
> > 
> > I have instrumented the milter-side code and I can see that the milter
> > server is, at EOM time, writing to the socket:
> > 
> >   h X-MS-blah\0 some stuff\0
> > 
> > which seems right -- 'h' corresponds to SMFIR_ADDHEADER, according to
> > the list of protocol constants in Sendmail::PMilter::Context.  The first
> > argument is the header name and the second is the value.
> Are you implementing your own Milter on-the-wire read/write
> routines? 

No, I am using Sendmail::PMilter.

  Ben Rosengart           "Like all those possessing a library,
  Sendmail, Inc.           Aurelian was aware that he was guilty of
  +1 718 431 3822          not knowing his in its entirety [...]"
                                      -- Jorge Luis Borges

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