On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:11:10AM -0400, Ben Rosengart wrote:

> I have one last problem, which is I have code (borrowed from Viktor)
> which peeks at the files in the hold queue, and does special processing if
> X-MS-Floodstopper is present.

That code is in turn borrowed from qshape(1), which Wietse kindly
updated when he added pointer support for milters. You need to make
similar patches to the floodmopper code.

> Viktor, I hate your single-letter variable names.  :-)

That's no way to ask for help. :-)

The queue file encoding is a TLV (type, length, value) encoding. I used
RLD for (rectype, length, data). My uses of queue file-parsing in Perl
were never intended to coexist with milters:

  1. They predate Postfix support for milters.
  2. I never liked milters (multi-threading complexity, and poor degradation
     when CPU is scarce under high load).
  3. Ergo, I never deployed milters or back-ported Wietse's qshape(1) patch
     into my other queue file parsing tools.

It is not difficult to integrate the queue-file parser from the
updated qshape(1) into your (my) code derived from milter versions
of qshape. Good luck.


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