I really don't need to explain for any other reason than it is a requirement of 
my customer. I appreciate the banter but the harder you fight me the more it 
makes me believe the product cant meet our need. 

Is it possible to limit all outbound email to 3 domains? If so, how?

Is it possible to redirect, bounce or forward any mail directed to anything but 
those 3 domains to a specific user? If do, how?

Thank you!

Eric Kimminau
Eak at Kimminau dot org

On Apr 4, 2012, at 21:26, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> Wietse:
>> Instead of redirect, why not use reject:
>> /etc/postfix/transport:
>>  example.com    :
>>  * reject:this destination is not allowed
> Eric Kimminau:
>> 1) I need to know when someone is attempting to use any domain but
>> what we have approved for testing. 
> Why do you care what domains users send mail to?
>    Wietse

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