2 issues:

1) I need to know when someone is attempting to use any domain but what we have 
approved for testing. This is the reason for the redirect. I'm open to 
alternatives but other than babysitting log files or every userid mailbox used 
REJECT is tough to track.

2) I only have 3 domains that are valid destinations. I don't want to write 
transport rules for the other 100million domains I don't want to allow. 

Anything a little less maintenance intense solutions?

On Apr 4, 2012, at 16:11, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:

> Eric Kimminau:
>> My goal is to limit outbound email to only three domains. All other email
>> destined for any other domain should be redirected to a single, valid
>> internal mail box.
>> It isn't working. Email to addresses outside this domain are still being
>> delivered.
>> /etc/postfix/access:
>> domain1.com  OK
>> domain2.com  OK
>> domain3.com  OK
>> .            REDIRECT valid@email.address
> As documented, SMTP access maps work only for SMTP mail.  You can
> do much of the above with transport_maps, except redirecting to a
> mailbox. Instead of redirect, why not use reject:
> /etc/postfix/main.cf:
>   transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
> /etc/postfix/transport:
>   example.com    :
>   * reject:this destination is not allowed
>   Wietse

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