On 15/3/2012 3:14 πμ, Sahil Tandon wrote:

Does your /etc/ld.so.conf contain the
appropriate paths, and is your hints file up to date?

Thank you Sahil,

Your hint gave me a solution:

I found that there was no ld path configured for these libraries.

I created a file: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/openldap-ltb-x86_64.conf with content: "/usr/local/openldap/lib64" and then ran: "ldconfig".

Subsequently, build was successful!

I used:
   AUXLIBS="${AUXLIBS} -L/usr/local/openldap/lib64 -lldap -llber"

The RPMs seem OK and they "require" the correct libraries.

Now I'll have to setup an installation to test everything and confirm correct software operation.

A question - considering proper sys admin policies - is: Should this extra LD Path stay there or not?

Thanks again,

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