--On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:46 PM +0200 Nikolaos Milas <nmi...@noa.gr> wrote:


Now, how can we specify custom paths to LDAP libraries, header files,
etc. in the spec file ?

I do the following as part of CCARGS to postfix:

       $(URANDOM) \
       -DUSE_LDAP_SASL \
       -I/opt/zimbra/openldap-$(LDAP_VERSION)/include \
       -I$(MYSQL_INC) \
       -I/opt/zimbra/openssl-$(OPENSSL_VERSION)/include \
-I/opt/zimbra/cyrus-sasl-$(CYRUS_VERSION)/include/sasl -I/usr/include' \ AUXLIBS='$(EXTRALIBS) -L/opt/zimbra/cyrus-sasl-$(CYRUS_VERSION)/lib \
       $(DBLIB) -L/opt/zimbra/openldap-$(LDAP_VERSION)/lib $(PCRE_LIB) \
       -lldap -llber \
       -L$(MYSQL_LIB) \
       -L/opt/zimbra/openssl-$(OPENSSL_VERSION)/lib \
-lmysqlclient -lz -lm -L$(SYSTEM_LIB) -lsasl2 -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto'; \



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
A Division of VMware, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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