On 13/3/2012 7:58 μμ, Nikolaos Milas wrote:

As far as I know, most people creating RHEL Postfix RPMs are using S.
J. Mudd's src.rpm but I don't know if someone has extended the
included spec files to support custom LDAP paths.

I have been able to use S. J. Mudd's src.rpm to build RPM packages (on CentOS 5.8 64bit) by manually editing postfix.spec.

First I generated postfix.spec by issuing:

     export POSTFIX_LDAP=1
     export POSTFIX_PCRE=1
     export POSTFIX_SASL=2
     export POSTFIX_TLS=1
     export POSTFIX_DOVECOT=1

and then running ./make-postfix.spec.

I manually edited:

    %if %{with_ldap}
    Requires: openldap-ltb
    BuildRequires: openldap-ltb-debuginfo


   %if %{with_ldap}
     CCARGS="${CCARGS} -DHAS_LDAP -I/usr/local/openldap/include"
     AUXLIBS="${AUXLIBS} -L/usr/local/openldap/lib -lldap -llber"

There were two rpms produced (x86_64):


However, I see that at the end of the build process, the "Requires" section includes:
    "... liblber-2.3.so.0()(64bit) libldap-2.3.so.0()(64bit) ..."
which are in /usr/lib64 and belong to native openldap v2.3.x while I would expect to see libraries like:
    "liblber-2.4-releng.so.2 ... libldap-2.4-releng.so.2"
    "libldap.so...  libldap.so"
which are in /usr/local/openldap/lib64 and belong to LTB v2.4.x

What am I doing wrong? Can somebody please correct me?

For reference, you can see the whole log of the build process and the spec file used here:



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