On 22.12.2011 05:26, John Hinton wrote:
> One thing about email. There are NO hard rules beyond the RFCs and even those 
> are 
> badly abused on many fronts these days. Exceptions abound!

the RFCs where written in times where we had not 13 Mio. Spammails each
year filtered out and you have to accept well known pratices which are
more strict then the RFCs or live with the fact that your mails are
rejected on many servers - you have the choice

there are also no hard rules about PTR-records of a mailserver
does not change the fact that we and many others are blocking
"dynaddr-ip.your-provider.com" because if someone decides to
setup a mailserver he should be smart enough to consider a
in both directions resolving DNS record

becasue 99.999% of scuh ip-addresses is spam and the rest
ignorant admins which learn it the hard way

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