Am 17.11.2011 15:39, schrieb Dennis Clarke:
>> Today I had an unhappy unix student try to submit an assignment ..
> tell your students to use the email address provided by the school on the
> school domain. Also, as a policy, I blacklist all yahoo, gmail, hotmail
> junk and life is much better at the office.
> If someone does not have a valid email address at a reasonable domain then
> we don't want to hear from them anyways.

never heard a more arrogant statement with so few knowledge!

did you ever realize that you can host your domain at google?
so you are possibly blocking valid addresses from reasonable
domains to - but that is only an additional point

where do you live that you think you are in the position what
other people are using and that they have to register a domain
before they allowed to speak with you?

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