On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 15:39 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote: > > Spammers ARE blacklisted, even they are called "yahoo". Just have good > > ISP with good reputation. My servers have never been blacklisted because > > I just keep spammers away from them in early stage. > > this is a lets say polite: "not real smart argumentation" > > if you are blocking major-providers like yahoo, google.... you can go ahead > and turn your mailserver off and close your company because NO CLIENT will > accept this with no argument and to say it clear: if someone thinks it is > cool to block major-isp's for whatever reason maybe he is doing the wrong job
I report about 500 mails daily to spamcop and this takes important part of my time. Sorry for being unpolite towards spammers but I believe that noone should be whitelisted because they are big and fat. They consume resources of ours. They are parasites. I know lot about inside stuff. One example I can talk: You might heard about case in Estonia where Russian criminals made botnet to distribute spam. Company behind it got first place as IT company in Estonia based on turnover. They were also important customer of our telecom and other ISP-s. Yes ISPs got lot of compaints for spamming and virus distribution from their hosts. But because company paid lot of money they kept these criminals hosted longer time. This ended only after big blocklists put permanent ban on /16 size range. As much I know now when years are passed those block are still in list. This is only thing what works. Unsure what exactly happened this time but next time Yahoo takes more care about looking what is sent via their system. Maybe next time they implement system which limits sending 10 mails in second via webmail or something else. Anyway complaints are what make them move. Tõnu