On Thu, 2011-11-17 at 16:47 -0430, Jose Ildefonso Camargo Tolosa wrote: > Ok, I agree with /dev/rob0 , this has gone way off topic for this list.
I just keep reading all this discussion. Yes this is not postfix topic but for any kind of decision I am highly interested in reasoning, not decision. This is why I read this thread with high interest. Also many of us may have important experience to share. For example at some point we had massive amount of Chinese spam coming in and I looked for ways to block it. One thing I tested was blocking on charset GB2312 using something like "Subject: ???somethingGB2312". This was good attempt I heard many other people came to same idea but this failed for me. Reason was that when someone from China wrote in English, even then sometime such character set was indicated for something like single space. I do not remember exact details but just want to tell that those charset identifiers often happen to be in mails which are all latin. This is why I read thread with big interest. Someone blocking gmail? Hmm, what is his experience? Not much complaints? hmm.. One more thing I learned from keeping BL for Estonia. I do process spam and make BL or "list". I do not make rules how others should use the list. Same about spamcop. They keep list. How one uses this list is decicion of mailhost. If mailhost decides to trust it (what I do), then mailhost decicion is to DROP, REJECT, ACCEPT or react somehow different. Sorry if this thread already went too long and far from postfix but I just try to argue and listen carefully for arguments. Tõnu