
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Mark Goodge <> wrote:
> On 17/11/2011 14:39, Dennis Clarke wrote:
>>> Today I had an unhappy unix student try to submit an assignment ..
>> tell your students to use the email address provided by the school on the
>> school domain. Also, as a policy, I blacklist all yahoo, gmail, hotmail
>> junk and life is much better at the office.

Not all schools provides email addresses to their students, and some
students will just decide not to use them... why?, well, because,
after all, these are temporary address, for as long as you are at the
school, you can't keep those for the rest of your life, and thus some
students decide not to use them.

>> If someone does not have a valid email address at a reasonable domain then
>> we don't want to hear from them anyways.
> Yes, but you're not selling anything or providing any kind of public
> service. So it doesn't matter if people can't email you. Those of us who
> work for commercial organisations or government bodies don't have that
> choice.

Same here, that's exactly why I don't use a "hard" block policy, I use
scoring (with ASSP) and even use Bayes filters (yeah, those that
requires "training" and stuff), thanks to this combination I get rid
of ~95% of the spam, while keeping over 99% of good mail (I almost
never lose a legit mail because of the mail filter).

yahoo, hotmail, gmail are domains used by all kind of persons (I have
even seen customers that just uses as their
corporate mail!!), so: just blocking them because a few send spam is
non-sense.... you need to check message content, that's why I use
Bayes as part of the scoring.

Now, spam fight is everyday harder, because spammers are looking
everyday more like legitimate senders... as a matter of fact,
sometimes what I consider spam is not considered spam by other person,
so... this is actually a complex topic.


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