On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 03:36:41PM +0100, Mark Scholten wrote:

> >        Server response:
> > 
> >        550-5.5.1 <u...@example&gt: Recipient address rejected: User
> > unknown
> >        550 5.5.1 For assistance, call 800-555-0101
> > 
> >        This feature is available in Postfix 2.8.
> Thank you. Is it possible to let this new setting contain something that
> contains the client IP and/or something so we could identify it with a
> script?

Identify what with a script?

    - The SMTP reject message appears in the receiving Postfix system's logs,
      where the client's IP is always part of the logged context.

    - The SMTP reject message appears in the client system's logs.
      The client knows its own IP.

    - The SMTP reject message appears in the non-delivery DSN generated
      by the client system and returned to the envelope sender. This will
      in most cases (qmail's non-MIME bounces aside) contain the standard
      DSN fields, including the reporting MTA name.

The static appended response is for *contact* information or a reference


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