On Tue, Jan 04, 2011 at 02:32:45PM -0500, pf at alt-ctrl-del.org wrote: > But I don't see the point of adding more generic information in the > response.
Providing a URL of a website which explains (for the reject messages that you choose to document) what a sender needs to do to avoid being reject will do no harm when appended to reject messages that are already "self-documenting" or which you would choose to no explain further. The URL can explain that too. > The only rejects that I get calls or emails about are: > > reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, > reject_unknown_helo_hostname, > reject_unknown_client_hostname, > reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname > > If these four rejects had individually configurable error text, it would > help a lot. There are surely more, and making the text context-specific is likely not a good cost/benefit trade-off. -- Viktor.