-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 16:44:23 -0400
> Von: Charles Marcus <cmar...@media-brokers.com>
> An: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Betreff: Re: Better spam filter for postfix

> On 2010-07-16 2:04 PM, Steve wrote:
> > Using something like greylisting is no option either because that
> > damn steel price can change a bunch of cents in minutes and then
> > multiply that with a gazillion of kilos a ship can transport and
> > there you are: a lot of money can be lost by holding back a mail for
> > 2 Minutes.
> Sorry for adding to the noise, but that is silly... whoever would rely
> on *email* for such time critical information is insane - and doomed to
> go broke.
Charles, never ever underestimate the end-user. No matter how hard you try to 
bring any rational thinking into the game... it will not work.

btw: They don't rely on email for such time critical information. They use 
email for communication and when they send an order to supplier X to ship N 
tons of hot rolled sheets and N tons of tin plate sheets to Dubai then they 
expect that as soon as the mail leaves their mail client that the mail is 
arriving at the supplier and the price does not change in the mean time. Again! 
Don't try to think rational. You can NOT explain them that email can be 
delayed, can be blocked, can ... whatever. They will NOT understand it. It is 
the same as explaining a mole how the sun shines.
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