John Stoffel:
> >>>>> "Wietse" == Wietse Venema via Postfix-users <> 
> >>>>> writes:
> > Postfix lists are run by Mailman3, configured to replace the From:
> > addres with the list address; Mailman3 then unconditionally adds
> > the original From: addres to Reply-to:. This is standard Mailman
> > damage control for DMARC.
> Is there any simple way to do this for a regular postfix setup where I
> need to forward some emails to a or other account?  

It may be possible with a Milter in the mail receiving path. Sort-of
the opposite of what I described for undoig DMARC.

Otherwise, 'forward as an attachment' is a common mail reader


> I'd like to have the From: be my domain, with Reply-To: inserted and
> DKIM signing done on top of the other message headers.
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