Nico Schottelius via Postfix-users:
> Marvin Renich via Postfix-users <> writes:
> > [...]
> > Do you expect the postfix devs to release containers for every popular
> > combination of distribution and containerization technology (Docker,
> > kubernetes, LXC, OpenVZ, etc.)?  Even picking one distribution still
> > leaves too many containers.
> No, so far I see two targets: Debian & Alpine Linux. Why those two?
> >From what I see postfix has a very good integration into Debian, thus a
> very logical target.
> Alpine Linux is the smallest container distro out there and by many
> preferred, as it is very small AND you get layer sharing because all
> your other images use alpine linux as a base as well.

Postfix development is not tested against these mini-libc environments,
and there have been bugs for example when some minimal DNS
implementation provided only a subset of what the bigger-brother
libcs: most recently, problems with DNSSEC, and with large responses.

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