Good morning,

Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users <> writes:

> Dnia 14.10.2024 o godz. 13:03:48 Nico Schottelius via Postfix-users pisze:
>> In a nutshell the idea is to reuse the very
>> old, existing "trust of web" idea and mix it together with IPv6 only
>> mail services as follows resulting into the following setup:
> So, basically you want to build a "walled garden" of operators who only
> exchange mail between themselves.

True to some degree. In my imagination this "walled garden" would be
less of a garden, but more of a "trusted world", i.e. much bigger and
having systems in place to regulate when somebody misbehaves.

In a way you could compare it to law/law enforcement, however steered
decentralised without a central authority who decides what is good.

> Of course, you can build such a thing, but please don't call such service
> email anymore, as it contradicts the basic principles of email.

I know where you are coming from, and I claim for the moment your
argument is "free exchange of communication". My argument in that case
would be that if people abuse the system such as it is done by spammers
at the moment, it is not a free exchange anymore, but puts a lot of
burden on operators to keep up with the bad guys.

> Also if you
> call that email, you will be misleading your users into thinking that they
> can actually send "email" to any email address, while this won't be true for
> a large majority of potential recipients.

You got a point there, there would be a barrier between classic email
and "secure email" (or whatever term comes to one's mind).

Actually a bit similar as the split between the IPv6 and IPv4 world -
hence my argument for going IPv6 only might be even more valid.

> Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks for your input, appreciated!



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