Ralph Seichter via Postfix-users wrote in
 |* Steffen Nurpmeso:
 |>>I think it is more than "a bit flakey". You ask Wietse to support
 |>>something which introduces a significant security risk.
 |> Now you exaggerate a bit.
 |Not really, the original example of invoking "iptables" directly
 |requires root provileges. That could be mitigated by using sudo, but
 |this step was not included in the example. Wietse could provide a

Only because spawn explicitly avoids support of root.

 |security wrapper, but why should he bother? The core argument as far as

Well i mean basically because it is only fewest syscalls that make
up a difference, and he practically has them because he needs
them, anyway.  He "only" does not give admins the possibility to
use them.  For example i see "his" set_eugid(), setgroups(),
closefrom(), setsid(), he has anything to cleanup environment
(src/util/environ.c), he would only need to add a one that throws
away most of it.  Ie a slightly extended variant of his
chroot_uid(), to be entered for a specific new command to be used
in combination, ie REJECT-EXEC, or DUNNO-EXEC, or whatever.  That
is: theoretically.

 |I am concerned is that it is not part of Postfix's responsibilities to
 |trigger external processes when a login error occurs or somebody targets
 |a honeypot address. Postfix writes to a log, and I think that's enough.

For discussion-partie's sake only i disagree.
Because in practice he gives away the responsibility, and requires
people to program fully fledged server applications, each and
every one of which needs to understand and implement the full
security dance on its own; in addition each of those needs to be
administrated aka be driven as a system service, and all of the
time.  And this is true even for help applications which are
satellites of postfix only, and cannot be used for any other
purpose, never.  Ie, *i* could think about starting off in
a cleaned environment as root just in order to be able to do a few
things, then do a terminating sete?*id() (actually i better search
for "how to give up all user and group privileges" first) to give
up all privileges.

 |An interested party could hook into syslog, removing the need to scan
 |log files (although the latter is easy enough). That would have the
 |added benefit of also taking care of other software, like Dovecot or
 |OpenLDAP. The analysis I require is not limited to Postfix logs, and I
 |don't think I am alone in this regard.

Where is the difference in between parsing the log file and
hooking into the syslog daemon, except for a possible speed
improvement as the data is read at the pipe/socket?
Or do you mean syslog(3)?  You want to hook into the C library via
LD_PRELOAD, d-oh??  You sneaky thing you!!
Environment cleanup is missing in postfix per se me things.

 |> Heck my mailing-lists still use mailman2 and python2 [...]
 |Mailman2 was written for Python 2.x. That is different from people
 |asking me to retroactively add Python 3.6 support for software I wrote
 |for versions >= 3.7.

Ok.  Sure.  (Also it, i think, is only local.)

Ciao.  And good night!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
| Only during dog days:
| On the 81st anniversary of the Goebbel's Sportpalast speech
| von der Leyen gave an overlong hypocritical inauguration one.
| The brew's essence of our civilizing advancement seems o be:
|   Total war - shortest war -> Permanent war - everlasting war
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