On 24/07/2024 23:23, Allen Coates via Postfix-users wrote:

On 24/07/2024 13:11, Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users wrote:
I want "Kill on Sight".

Fastest way to me would be Postfix says it logged a connection from
fluffy.cuddly.port.raping.internet-measurement.com calls my script with
the IP address and they get stuffed up IPTables.
These particular guys can be killed using two net-block entries on IPv4 (and 
seven on IPv6) - worth putting in manually

If you're really getting hammered by email connections from internet-measurement.com they publish their IP address ranges so you can simply ban them. See here: <https://internet-measurement.com/#ips>

Do the postfix logs report internet-measurement.com addresses being used when they connect?

Note: driftnet.io is the same mob as internet-measurement.com.

And fail2ban (0.8.14) has been working reliably for me for years, but I run Solaris because I'm a reactionary old bastard and can do it, and it still has nice simple log files. ;-)

I'm sure postfix can be configured to use normal log files, or is that something that has to be made available at build-time?

                Gary    B-)
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