On Wednesday 19 Dec 2007 10:36:11 श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 Dec 2007 10:19:23 Vidyadhar Gadgil wrote:
> > Do you really want to put fdisk as a basic command? Imagine the
> > disasters that may follow with newbies.
> Yes and no. fdisk has lot of help. And there is cfdisk which is similar to
> fdisk on dos.

Damn I forgot to put the real important part..


 I was ultra-careful. Disk partitioning time. I didn't know how to use this 
proggie called "fdisk", but that was normal. The command prompt said "m for 
help" so I did that. I did a little poking around. Then I said shit, this was 
cool. It recognized a HUGE number of other partition types. Operating systems 
I had never heard of in my life. It put the DOS/Windows fdisk to shame. And 
it showed you your WHOLE partition table! All the bits and bytes in it. And 
you could change the values however you wanted.



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