
> Development section is a bit ambiguous. TCC ?(you
> mean, Turbo C / C++ 3.0? ) If yes, it is an IDE and
> therefore, could be included with Visual Studio.

> If you mean, tcc compiler (which I doubt, anyone would
> use on the command line) then, please specificy tcc
> *compiler*. 
You are technically correct, most people don't understand the
difference. All I want to do is highlight the fact that you can do C/C++
development. Usually these are standard questions that people ask.

Again, let me explain the whole point of making this flyer. It is to be
distributed along with the CD's that are distributed at the expo. It
will be displayed at the expo, and I am trying to make few more copies
of it to distribute it to genuinely interested people. There is still
one more flyer which talks about what PLUG is, advantages of FOSS,
monthly meetings etc for "mass" distribution.

The end user still is general public from all fields who might not have
any computer experience or has worked only on windows beforehand. 

> Under editors, Kate and KWrite are nearly the same, so
> you could add gEdit instead of KWrite. 
> Also,
> s / scream / screem 
> s / File downloading / Download Managers
> BlueFish, NVU could also be mentioned, in Web
> Development tools. 

Done. Thanks.


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