>> > Also, one can add a short list of good Linux books that are
>> > available. Most of these should be general Linux intros., but
>> > there should also be one or two 'political' books, e.g.,
>> > Stallman's "Free as in Freedom". I would be happy to provide a
>> > short list of "beginner-to-intermediate" books I have found useful
>> > and refer to frequently.
>> > 
> Please do provide a list of books. Books that are available in India 

Below is a short list of basic books for newbies. I have given a
few details about each. Apart from these, there are
distro-specific books that are available. But the ones below are
the ideal start. All are available from Shroff Publishers and
Distributors http://shroffpublishers.com/

Linux for non-Geeks & Ubuntu Linux for non-Geeks -- Rickford Grant
(probably the most painless guides for newbies, they get you
going, but do not help you understand Linux much)
Linux Pocket Guide -- Daniel J. Barrett (a must-have, short
command reference and basic intro. Cheap, a handy size to carry
How Linux Works -- Brian Ward (probably the best intro. to Linux).
Linux Cookbook -- Michael Stutz (a useful reference)

I wept because I had no answers, until I met a man who had no
questions -- John David Stone

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