> > You are right. All I want is not to forget about the underlying problem. 
> > Non-technical people, for whom the flyer is meant for, tend to disregard 
> > FOSS 
> > philosophy. For them, usually whatever works is good enough. IME of course.
> Then use the flyer as a opportunity to educate them. Freedom is not a 
> cuss word. That the primary advantage that cannot be easily mimicked in 
> non-free software.

I don't want the flyer to talk about any philosophy at all. There are
people at the stall who can explain the philosophy in simple and easy
terms. Let people actually use some free software & play around with it.
This gets people interested enough to look things up further :) 
There is one more "mass" appeal flyer which talks about benefits of

Let people come to PLUG meetings / start discussion on mailing list. Or
visit the GNU, FSF site. People will then  be in a position to
understand finer nuances of FOSS.

-Devendra Laulkar.

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