श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर wrote:
On Tuesday 18 Dec 2007 18:35:20 Rahul Sundaram wrote:
श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर wrote:
- A mention that linux has flash player too. This suggestion is willing
to be erased for the spirit of FOSS.. ;)
Not necessarily. Gnash and swfdec are Free software flash players.

Tried gnash but it did not work for me. It had many crashes, lockups etc. I am running slackware 12.0, VESA video driver and konqueror as my browser. I will not recommend it now for sure.

Which version was this? You really should be using the very latest one to get a feel of improvements since the codebase has changed pretty heavily over time.

I Dont know about swfdec though. Never tried it myself.

You could.

And I don't think flash should be endorsed by FOSS. It is not an open format AFAIK. I consider not having flash a feature.. ;) especially with metered downloads..

Endorsing and inter operating are two different things. We deal SMB via Samba or Microsoft Office formats via things like Openoffice.org all the time. I doubt anybody considers either as a form of endorsement of proprietary technology or formats.


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