On Tuesday 18 Dec 2007 18:51:40 Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Which version was this? You really should be using the very latest one
> to get a feel of improvements since the codebase has changed pretty
> heavily over time.

0.8.0, then-latest. Current latest is 0.8.1.

> > I Dont know about swfdec though. Never tried it myself.
> You could.

Yes but there is limited time to experiment. I will give it a try for sure 

> Endorsing and inter operating are two different things. We deal SMB via
> Samba or Microsoft Office formats via things like Openoffice.org all the
> time. I doubt anybody considers either as a form of endorsement of
> proprietary technology or formats.

You are right. All I want is not to forget about the underlying problem. 
Non-technical people, for whom the flyer is meant for, tend to disregard FOSS 
philosophy. For them, usually whatever works is good enough. IME of course.

Slightly OT but along the same lines. An example I encountered yesterday. I 
couldn't convince a non-technical person that spam emails are bad. He just 
didn't have any problems whatsoever with it. :(


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