On Nov 14, 2007 10:00 PM, Vivek J. Patankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Pranav Peshwe wrote:
> > Most of the time, there is no point is talking to anybody below the post
> of
> > SDE(subdivisional engg). They give empty promises. Better talk to
> someone
> > senior, they are more responsive and responsible. Ask for their mobile
> phone
> > number. Generally, they give it. Then, you can query them whenever you
> want
> > ;) Tell them, that i want this done or else i'll switch to Reliance or
> > or whatever.  Stating this at the right time was found to have
> appreciable
> > effects :P If you have some 'contact' in BSNL, then nothing like it :)
> I do plan to follow-up, the exchange is quite close.
> Also, may I know, was the 'right time' in your case?

If nothing happens even after talking to the officer a couple of times, then
it would be the 'right time' (IMO). Talking about other vendors right at the
beginning might be an overkill :-?

Best of luck :)

Best regards,

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